European Electrics

One of the concerns when first venturing into the mainland Europe with a
caravan or motorhome is understanding their electrical systems. I think
it is important to dispel the sometimes held view that electrical
systems in Europe are not as good as they are in the UK. They are
different in some respects but no less safe providing sensible
precautions are taken as you would in the UK. Some of those areas of
concern fit into a few different categories which I will deal with in
turn. What connectors are required, Reverse Polarity, How much
Electricity do I have.
Connectors:- In the UK we universally use the CEE17
blue connectors, in fact this is the European Standard. However not all
campsites Europe have this type of connection installed and you will
still find the
older two pin connectors. So the first essential to take with you
is a short conversion lead with a two pin connector, often referred to
as a Schuko
plug in Germany, on one end and a
CEE17 female connector on the other end. These
can be purchased quite inexpensively from the likes of Go Outdoors,
or any other caravan accessory shop. Just because they only
have two pins does not mean they don't have an earth. In France site
bollards, that us two pin connectors, have a male earth pin which
connects into the two pin plug. In Germany they use the same sort of
plug but their earth is on the side of the plug. Those Continental
adaptors purchased in the UK will cope this both scenarios. In
Switzerland a few sites still use a six sided lozenge shaped connector.
The sites that use this type of connector will be able to loan you a
suitable conversion connector, usually for a small deposit or hire fee.
(see pictures below of Swiss plug and cabinet)
As far as cable length is concerned the standard 25 metre cable supplied
with your caravan or motorhome in most cases be perfectly long enough.
However on a few sites a slightly longer cable might be required so
perhaps worth thinking about taking an additional cable of about 10
metres in length.

Reverse Polarity
Information:- In preparation for your first trip
abroad you are likely to come across the term reverse or cross polarity
and if you are unfamiliar with electrical terminology you may start to
get concerned about it. Explanations can get a bit complicated but you
need to, at least, understand a little about the subject. In the
UK we have traditionally only switched on the live side called single
pole switching and its the reason we have fuses in our plugtops on the
live side. In Europe they use double pole switching but this is
protected at the consumer unit rather than the plug. For their domestic
market if a wall socket/site bollard is wired up with the live and
neutral the wrong way round it makes no difference because they are
protected on both poles. Perhaps I should add at this point that having
live and neutral reversed won't actually stop anything working.
Possible Dangers:- So what are the possible
consequences of reverse polarity? If you are in the habit of leaving
appliances like kettles and toasters plugged in it is possible that if a
fault developed in that appliance it could still be live and switched on
and at risk of being fire hazard. I suppose the simple solution is to
always unplug appliances when they are not being supervised! If
you have a mains light which you have switched off at the socket to
change a bulb then the bulb holder, if metal, could still be live.
Clearly the sensible solution if undertaking work on any appliances
connected directly to the van's electrical system would be to first
disconnect the electrical cable from the site bollard which offers
complete safety. Many modern vans do now have double pole protection and
some that do offer this no longer have switched electric sockets.
Testing:- In order to establish whether you have
reverse polarity you will need a Martindale tester. These are available
from caravan accessory shops and DIY stores. Depending on the state of
the polarity at the site bollard it will show a series of lights. Three
lights show normal polarity and no need for action. If an earth fault
is indicated this is serious and the only options are to either use a different
socket on the bollard or go to site reception, don't accept it!

Solutions:- An option is to correct the reverse
polarity by making a short lead with a pair of CEE17 sockets. When
wiring this lead you just swap the live and neutral wires
at one end. You need to satisfy yourself
that you feel competent to undertake such a project although its no more
complicated that wiring a standard plugtop but not many of us do that
now! After you have made you lead make sure you mark it in some way for
easy identification, see picture below. In Germany and Austria the
solution is simpler as you just plug the Continental adaptor in the
other way up!

How Much Electricity
In the UK we are used to having a 16 amp supply on campsites which is
capable of running all of our electrical needs, even in winter. Some
sites do have a lower supply but it is very unusual to find supplies
below 10 amps. However once you cross the Channel things can be
different depending on what country you are in. In France 6 amps is
fairly standard although there does seem to be an increasing number of
sites with 10 amps. Anything higher than that is pretty rear. In Germany
and Austria 16 amp electrics is quite common but in Italy they tend to
have the lowest ampage in Europe with 3 amp not being uncommon although
on average it is nearer 6 amps. Many of
you will be going abroad in the summer months so you will find that a 6
amp supply is enough to run the fridge, battery charger and a low
wattage kettle. If you are unlucky enough to be on a site with 3 amps
then just the fridge and battery. Where you have to be more careful is running appliances
with heating elements like the hot water/heating equipment, powerful
hairdryers and electric hobs or grills. Believe it or not there is a
relatively simple way of working all this out. The common European
standard for domestic electrical supply is 230 volts. One amp equals 230
watts. All appliances have marked on them their consumption in watts so
its a simple calculation to work out. For example if you have a low
wattage kettle which states on it 900 watts you know you will need a
minimum of 4 amps for it to work. A Truma water/space heater has two
settings, the lower setting is 900 watts and the higher 1800 watts. So
on a 6 amp supply you would only be able to use it on the lowest
setting, providing of course you were not running other items like a
kettle or hair dryer. Microwave ovens have to be watched as although
normal running wattages might not be too high the initial pull in of
power can be quite high so you might have to experiment! Obviously many
of us now carry around a variety of phones, tablets and laptops when on
holiday, these are all fairly low wattage so unlikely to overload
anything regardless of ampage. What happens if
I try and use too much electricity? Its likely you will trip the circuit
in the site bollard. If you can't access the circuit breakers in the
bollard it will mean a walk to reception. Some bollards will be locked
with a key whilst others can be opened by the keys we use at home to
read our own meters. I have set out below a guide to the wattage you
will have available for a given amount of amps.
Electrical Supply |
Wattage available to use |
3 amps |
690 watts |
4 amps |
920 watts |
5 amps |
1150 watts |
6 amps |
1380 watts |
10 amps |
2300 watts |
16 amps |
3680 watts |
Metered Electricity
In some countries, particularly Germany, some but not all
campsites meter electrical usage. Spain tends to meter electricity for
longer winter stays, but not for normal short summer stays. The picture
at the top of the page was taken on a Stellplatz for motorhomes in
Germany. This works by feeding coins into the machine. On campsites they
take a reading at the start and end of your stay and charge accordingly.
The kilowatt charge is often pretty steep compared to what we pay at
home. How much you consume will depend whether you want to use all the
facilities in the van and whether you are prepared to use your gas
supply. If you are using one of the campsite discount schemes like ACSI
a certain amount of electricity will be included in the daily price but
this is limited to 4 kilowatts per day, and on one site I found it
limited to 2 kilowatts. So any usage above this allowance will be
charged for and it can add up to several euros a day on top of other
site fees.
I hope the above is useful. This is meant to be general
guide to what you will expect. I make no claims to be an expert but the
above is based on many years touring abroad. If anyone has any questions
I am always happy to
discuss via e-mail.