Meander through Western France

This will be our first trip outside the UK for a year and only our
fifth trip away in the van in 2010. Normally we would have been much
more active but a hip replacement in March rather dictated
what I could do, or not do as the case may be! Although having the
hip done has meant I still need to be careful it has been very
liberating in other ways particularly the absence of pain I
previously suffered and much more improved mobility. Should anyone
need it done and are concerned all I can say is that for me it has
been well worth the natural concerns. One thing we did make a
decision on was not to bring the bikes with us on this trip as we
had not really had the opportunity to ride them this year and we
were concerned, at only 5 months after the operation it could be
As the date approach we did have some trepidation as it seemed so
long since we last visited France. This was not based on any known
concerns but just wondering how we would cope. Half the problem when
you are retired is that you have too much time to get ready, where
as when we worked it was a case of getting the van ready in hours
rather than days.

Wednesday 25th August dawned reasonably bright but the forecast was
for very heavy rain coming in from the south/west. We were well
south of the Dartford crossing before we had a few spots of rain. We
have often left a damp Kent on the UK side only to find France
bathed in sunshine but as we emerged from Eurotunnel it was till
wet. It was wet all along the switchback of a motorway called the
A16 from Calais, past Boulogne and beyond. We were heading for a
campsite called
Le Val
d’Authie which is deep in the countryside that backs inland from
the Somme Bay coast. Having initially ignored TomTom we gave in
eventually as he led us across some narrow roads to the campsite.
As we pulled into the campsite we were concerned to see a ‘Complete’
sign, the last thing we imagined was that we would find the site
full. However Madam said she had a spot we could use which turned
out to be a lovely pitch in a corner under a very large Willow tree.
There still seems to be a lot of children here so maybe people should
consider that French children don’t go back to school in the middle
of August!
Thursday was not a lot better than the day before weather wise as we
made our way back to a wet A16 and it did not start to really clear
until south of Rouen. We filled up with diesel on the autoroute, not
the most economic way of doing it but I sometimes wonder whether it
makes sense to drive several miles just to find a supermarket.
Answers on a postcard! Its been a few years since we last used the
A28 but it still seems very quiet as motorways go but none the less
nice to tow along. We were heading for the Municipal at Sees called
Clos Normand. We decided to ignore TomTom and just follow the
signs to the campsite but these seemed fairly narrow and twisty but
we got there with no incidents. There was nobody on reception but
there was a note saying to find a pitch and return at 4.00pm to
complete the paperwork. As we arrived it started to rain again. We
found a pitch which was very large and thought that it must be two
pitches together but it was just one. Even managed to tune in the
satellite reasonably easy despite not having any other fellow Brits
with a dish to copy! Went off to pay the very nice young lady on
reception who spoke excellent English. Not bad for £10.50 a night!
Le Clos Normand is a very nice little site with a supermarket just
across the road and the town centre is only a short walk away.

Friday dawned a lot brighter although there was quite a lot of dark
cloud around and that was how it continued all day alternating
between sunshine and light showers. Our first port of call was the
supermarket just across the road. I did feel somewhat embarrassed
driving such a short distance but my excuse was that I needed to
fill up with diesel. We did not need much in the way of shopping but
this was our first French supermarket visit for a year and it
seems many things are higher in price than we remember, despite
the slight improvement in the value of Sterling. Its not so much
reflected in the fresh products but simple things like milk and
coffee even the humble cooked chicken is 50% dearer than what we pay
in Waitrose at home. The saving grace is that wine is still good
Back at the van I thought I should check the internet. There is no
WiFi on site so I decided to try the Vodafone dongle. I could
connect to SFR but it was very slow and kept losing the signal so I
gave up after a while. Given that we are situated in a town I was
rather disappointed that the signal was so poor. As it turned out it
was the last time I had to use Vodafone on the holidays as all other
stops had WiFi. After lunch we
walked into the pleasant little town of Sées. It seems strange that
such a relatively small town has such a big Cathedral! Its an
interesting contrast with Ely where we were not that many weeks ago,
where we would have been charged an entrance fee but in Sées we were
free to walk in and look around. The campsite is much busier today.
Always fascinates me the trouble people take to select the right
pitch even if it means changing once the have unhitched. Perhaps
understandable if their stay was going to be more than an
overnighter but most will be off just after dawn tomorrow!

Saturday and
surprise, surprise a clear blue sky. By the time we were up others
had started to make a move. First job was to walk over to the
supermarket for a baguette. The last time I queued to get
into a supermarket on a Saturday morning was when Margaret was still
at work and I used to do the shopping after dropping her off at
work. We were on the road by 10.15 and headed south towards Alencon
on the N road rather than return to the motorway. Thereafter we did
use the autoroute, despite the tolls. We arrived at the
d’Offard campsite in Saumur just before 1.00pm and were pleased
to find the Reception open. When the young lady was taking my
details she told me that she had visited Milton Keynes and was
clearly impressed with the Shopping Centre, small world!
Unfortunately this site likes to allocate pitches and quite frankly
the one given to us was quite poor and it would have been impossible
to have got satellite reception. We found another more suitable
pitch and it was agreed that we change. As a bonus the new pitch was
fully serviced. A little while later another English couple arrived
looking for a different pitch to the one allocated. The lower end of
the site was closed off and it seemed a bit strange, when we walked
round, that this was the part with the best pitches! Anyway our new
pitch suits us and more by luck than judgement it can also get the
site WiFi which was supposed to have limited cover.

Sunday was another sunny day although because of the Belgium Grand
Prix most of the afternoon was spoken for. Good result for Mark
Webber who came second for Red Bull. Monday and another lovely day.
Seem to be in the grip of some sort of bug. but we did manage to get
to the supermarket in the afternoon.


Tuesday and our
last planned day at Saumur and we decided to walk into the town
which was a greater distance than as the crow fly’s but without a
boat we had no choice! Saumur is one of those Grand French towns
that so much impresses you on initial journeys to France. We walked
up to the Chateau which was quite a hike and uphill all the way! Two
things missing compared to a year ago, a walking stick and pain!
Near to the Chateau is a view point which looks out over the town
and the Loire, the title picture gives an impression of the
panorama. You can also see the campsite from the view point.
Although it was a bright sunny day we were lucky enough to have a
cooling breeze. The baguette purchased en route back to the campsite
went down well with the Pate.

Wednesday 1st September and time to move further south to our next
stop on the Ile d’Oleron. The first leg of the journey to Niort was
on what we used to call ‘Route Nationals’ but now have been
converted to D roads. I assume the reason for this is the rapid
development of the Autoroute network in France making it less
necessary to have centrally controlled road network. Margaret likes
ordinary roads as it saves damage to her credit card as she does not
have to pay tolls. I have told her I am happy to pay when the French
build the toll booth on my side of the road! Near Saintes we
returned to non toll roads across country to the Island which you
get to by a long viaduct, strangely called 'Le Viaduc'. Immediate impressions of the Ile d’Oleron
are not of charm and quaintness as the area is a major harvester of
Oysters if that is the correct term and it has a shanty town look!
Navigating to our campsite,
La Brande, was not without the odd wrong turning but we got
there eventually but reception was closed. We had to wait for about
10 minutes and by that time a few more vans had arrive. I was
advised by a member of an internet forum to try and get close to the
swimming pool as I would be able to make use of the free WiFi from
our pitch. Unfortunately we also wanted to get satellite reception
which would have been difficult as that part of the site was quite

Thursday was our first full day on site so we felt that we should go
out and explore. The Ile d’Oleron is a secretive place, maybe not to
the locals but to us visitors who are unfamiliar with the network of
little roads that wind between the oyster beds. Peggotty from David
Copperfield would feel quite at home here. More by luck than
judgement we somehow made our way to a place called Boyardville. Its
built on a small creek and is the base for fishermen. Ferries also
leave from here for the mainland. There was also a nice sandy beach
and a fairly large Marina. We found a car park and typically French
they charge a lower rate out of the high season. This coupled with
the fact that they don’t charge during the normal midday to 2.00pm
lunch break so you put 20 cents in the machine which seems to pay
for more than half a days parking! We had a look around the marina
area before trying to make our way back to the campsite. Just in
case we were going round in circles we did switch TomTom on and he
got us back safely, even if he take us down some doggy narrow roads,
one of them was even pointing to another campsite, could be fun with
a twin axle! When we got back I went off to check the internet only
to receive some sad news by e-mail that a former colleague had died
after a long battle with cancer. Friday was a bit of a lazy day
although in the afternoon we did go out to the supermarket at St
Pierre d’Oleron.

On Saturday we explored a bit around Le Chateau d’Oleron including
the Citadelle a massive fortification dating from the 1600’s. We
were able to walk around a fair proportion of the walls which had
good views across to the mainland and of ’Le Viaduc’ Alongside the
Citadelle is a small harbour which was full of fishing boats and not
a gin palace in sight! We wanted to get a better view of the Viaduct
and to do so risked life and limb crossing two very busy roads as
weekend traffic flowed onto the island. Unfortunately the view, from
a photographic point of view was not so good. We then drove onto St
Trojan les Bains which is on the south side of the island. It was
interesting to see a more wooded appearance and when we arrived we
found a
sandy beach and from here a better view of the Viaduc. We made our
way back to the van and we think that we have discovered, by
accident, a better approach to our campsite. Sunday dawned bright
and sunny, if a bit muggy. We spent a lazy at the campsite. The
site is reasonably full with about half the pitches taken.

Monday 6th September, We explored a little further today. First to
the view point at La Remigeasse. It seems that it’s the western side
of the island that has the most sandy beaches. From here we went
onto the fishing port of La Cotiniere which is France’s 12th largest
fishing port. Back at the site it is interesting to observe the
number of French caravans and motorhomes on site. In the past it
seemed quite unusual to have the same numbers. Rain started in the
evening and seem to continue through the night.

It was still damp on Tuesday morning although it did clear up later
in the day but rain did return in the late evening. It was our
intention to leave the site after a week but we felt there was more
of the island to explore and as a place it has grown on us so we have decided to stay another 5 nights.
We did go shopping in the afternoon but a fair bit of the day was
taken up with arranging for a condolence card to be sent to the
family of our former colleague. Thank goodness for the internet as
once we had received the address we were able to use Moonpig.
Perhaps not as personal as a hand written card but the best we could
do in the circumstances. Well, what a night. As we were sitting
having dinner we noticed the wind was starting to get up. By the
time it was dark it was even stronger but we thought that it would
not get any worse, wrong! At around midnight we were outside taking
the canopy down as we were concerned it would be blown down. A
Scottish couple from a motorhome opposite kindly offered to help but
we were nearly there and, as I am sure do others, we have a routine. The
trees were bending under the strength of the wind. We did manage to
get to sleep eventually.

When we got up it was a bit brighter but still windy. After lunch we
drove out across the Viaduc Pointe du Chapus which must have been a
place of embarkation to the island in the past. There was even some
evidence that a railway may have originally terminated at the small
port. Most of the activity these days seems to revolve around the
harvesting of oysters and the small harbour was busy with strange
flat bottomed boats, which looked like small landing craft, used for
this purpose. Just off shore is Fort Louvios an imposing
fortification which can be visited at low tide by means of a
causeway. We returned across the Viaduc to visit Le Chateau d’Oleron
which has an imposing central area which contains parking and the
Tourist Information Office. Just across the road is a covered Market
building. Now talking of parking, I came across another variation of
French parking methods. The parking was free for one hour but you
had to have a ticket from the machine. Cash was not an alternative.
A gentleman came up to use the machine and he typed in a number in
but no ticket. As a result we struck up a kind of conversation and
I asked if there was an alternative machine. He beckoned me to
follow him. When we got to the other machine he keyed a number in
and hey presto he got a ticket. I pointed to the instructions and
asked what number he use and he explained that it was the 4 numbers
of his car registration. I said that mine only had two numbers and
he said just key those numbers in, which I did and it produced a
ticket. Once I understood the procedure it all seemed so simple! The
number, by the way, appears on the ticket so cars can be easily
identified, simples! Back at the site I noticed a large 5th wheeler
had arrived and had been reversed onto its pitch at an angle. Not
sure I would like to have to rely on reversing something of that
size onto a confined camping pitch but the owner did point out
that reversing that type of outfit is more responsive than doing
the same thing with a caravan, which is just as well as they can’t
be fitted with movers!

Thursday dawned a lot calmer so we felt confident enough to put the
canopy back up. I got chatting to the owner of the Fifth wheel
outfit as he seemed to be a bit unsettled where he was and I
suggested he have a look at the new part of the site where there are
some larger pitches with easier access. He went to have a look and
subsequently moved pitch. After lunch we drove right to the end of
the island to the Phare de Chassiron. You can, if you wish, climb
the 224 steps to lantern balcony. We passed on that one! Around the
base of the lighthouse there are some nice gardens. You can also
stroll around the grounds and up to the cliff edge to get nice views
across to the mainland. On the horizon I noticed a high level bridge
and realised it was the bridge over to the Ile de Re. From the
lighthouse there is a nice drive along the coast. One thing I have
noticed on our wanders around the island is the number of parking
places near to the sea and most seem to be free. I appreciate that
motorhomes are very popular in Europe and France in particular but I
have never seen them in the quantities that we have on the Ile
d’Oleron. Even the supermarket car parks seem full of them!


Friday, after lunch we drove up the landward coast of the island. It
is quite fascinating to see how much of this part of the island is
taken up with oyster production. It’s a shame there is not a
comprehensive museum on the subject as I am sure it would create a
lot of interest. In our effort to get a bit nearer the action we
went down one road but chickened out when it got a bit extreme! We
could see on the map another Fort but could not find road access to
it. Although roads appear on the map they are actually only open to
cyclists. Near to La Gautrelle we did find access to a nice beach
which for some reason seemed very popular with pensioners, so we
were in good company! We continued up the coast to Port du Douhet
which has a sizable marina which was pretty full of boats. All along
the coast the are channels, creeks (Chenal, being the French term)
that flow in and out of the island. Its quite surprising to see the
sheer speed of the tide as it ebbs and flows. Many of these channels
are not particularly wide but accommodate a surprising variety of

Saturday, a lazy day watching the quali, although we did go shopping
in the morning. Ever since we have been at this site we have been
searching for the sea which is supposed to be 300 yards from the
site. We can see the sea but can’t find the access but on a walk
this afternoon we did find that access and found the sea shore which
did have a sandy edge. I think the problem is that it is difficult
to know if roads towards the sea are in fact access roads to the
shore or access roads to the numerous oyster preparation plants.
Sunday and unusually for us we have stayed at a campsite longer than
initially intended. At least we are lucky that we have that
flexibility. The extra stay has meant that we need to make a few
changes to our original plans. For a start we have now used most of
our Camping Cheques so we will need to use the ACSI Card for all but
one site. Otherwise the day was spent watching the GP and taking
everything down.
Monday, we left La Brande and the Ile d’Oleron this morning. It was
not a particularly long journey but the early part was a bit slow.
We had stopped in an Aire for a toilet stop. I noticed a car parked
next to us with two small boys and mum and dad. Whilst mum went off
to the loo the two lads were marched off by their dad to an adjacent
patch of ground where they stood in a line having a pee. I had no
idea that whole families had special training in this strange French
custom! Part of our route skirted around the corner of Bordeaux
which included a junction with traffic lights. I was aware that in
some parts of France you get windscreen washers waiting for the
lights to change to red. However there seemed to be a whole army of
them and I imagine they would start fighting over who would clean a
windscreen! I got to the lights as they were changing to amber but I
was not stopping! As you leave the Libourne bypass you pass many
famous name wine producers, it’s a bit like driving past a Waitrose
wine list!

Domaine de la Barbanne, our new site, allocate pitches which is not something we like but the
young lady on reception did offer a couple of locations and when I
said we wanted to use the satellite she gave us a pitch that was
south facing. Later on whilst walking around the site we saw a
couple talking to some other caravanners. As we approached it was
clear that we had been recognised! They had been on a couple of
sites we had stayed on last Autumn and had a Sterling caravan
sporting a Nene Court Caravans hitch cover. Small world, especially
as they told us the were thinking of heading for the site we had
just left!
Tuesday dawned another lovely day. It seems so peaceful here, but as
Margaret said I like more to be going on. However you do have to be
careful what you wish for! Around lunchtime a Transit van turned up
opposite and started to disgorge luggage and equipment on at least 4
of the pitches opposite us. Then people started to arrive by bike.
Apparently they are on an organised cycling holiday riding from
Barcelona back to Holland and they will be off again in the morning.
Rather them than me! If there is any justice they will be so tired
they won’t want to make a noise all night. Lets just hope its not a
repeat of Vienna 1992! On site there is a nice wooded lake with a
path all the way round which we walked around in the afternoon. Just
because we are on holiday it does not mean the DIY stops. For a few
days now the water tap in the kitchen had become very loose. I tried
to tighten it from under the cupboard but there was not enough room
to get the spanner to connect and tighten. I then had the bright
idea that if I removed the sink it would make it easier to get some
purchase on the nut holding the tap in place. The gamble worked and
the tap is no longer moving and the sink has gone back in place
without any problems, so far!
It’s the middle of September and although the mornings and evenings
are cooler it can be surprisingly hot during the day. In the morning
we went off to so some shopping to a place called Castillion which
sounds more Spanish than French. The journey out was across country
and as far as the eye could see there were vineyards. Everything is
also so very neat and tidy, no doubt a reflection of the price of
the wines produced and the creation of that image. On the way back
we drove through St Emilion whose roads are very narrow and you can
understand why caravans are banned!

After lunch we drove back into St Emilion to explore further. Its
rather an interesting place. Obviously the emphasis is on the
importance of the wine trade and this is supported by the many shops
actually selling the wine. In some ways the influence of the wine
trade tends to diminish other aspects of the old fortified town as
there is little evidence of the history of the place. Perhaps I
should have looked more closely. One church we went in was clearly
built in two different periods with the older part hinting of a
Roman past where as the other half was more middle ages. St Emilion
is a World Heritage site although the English translation does not
quite get the wording correct. Whilst fascinating to explore I
should add a health warning to anyone with mobility difficulties as
there are some very steep cobbled declines where great care is

Who was silly enough to mention how hot it was yesterday? Thursday
dawned dull and drizzly and it did not brighten up all day. We spent
a fairly lazy morning but after lunch decided to have a walk around
the site so that we could give our site plan of the previous
campsite to Mike and Jenny, the couple we met last year who were
heading for the Ile d’Oleron. We then decided to explore further
outside the campsite and set off on a circular route around the
nearby vineyards. It was interesting to see the vines at close
quarters and most were heavy with grapes which I assumed will be
harvested within the next month. The campsite sells wine from the
local vineyards so we thought that we should at least try a bottle.
I selected a 2002 Grand Cru which cost €10.50 which I suspect in the
scheme of things is at the cheaper end of the market. I suppose as a
generality in the UK we have access to a far wider range of
different wines from far more countries than you will find in the
average French supermarket. As a result we are spoilt for choice of
quality wines. For the money I invested today I could quite honestly
get are far better wine in Waitrose from either Australia of Chile
for the same money or a little less.
Friday dawned a bit brighter but by 11.00am it was still only 14
degrees. The temperature drop in just two days has been surprising.
It did warm up a bit in the afternoon. We plan to leave this site on
Monday but needed to fill up with diesel before then so chose today
as it will be quieter than during the weekend. Also there is not
anywhere really local so there is always a drive involved. It did
gives us the opportunity to see a little more of the countryside as
we select a different route each time we venture out. We went via St
Emilion using the other side of the one way system which was as
equally narrow as the opposite direction. We headed out to St Jean
de Blaignac, on the Dordogne River and drove to Castillion la
Batialle on a road adjacent to the river. Two surprising things,
firstly the river is surprising wide although its not far from where
it joins the Gironde estuary and secondly it was clearly tidal at
that point. One the way back from Castillion we cut across country
to avoid going back through St Emilion. In the afternoon I went over
the restaurant area to use the internet. As usual it was very slow
and it proved impossible to download two documents, the largest
being just over 4 MB. When I mentioned to reception the day before
that it was slow I did not get a very sympatric response, I was just
told too many people were using it! Clearly the system is not up to
the standard require, if it were free there might be some excuse.
Saturday dawned bright but there was a chilly breeze. After lunch we
went back into St Emilion as they have a special celebration called
Patrimoine Although it does not get into full swing until the
evening. It was certainly very busy and parking was at a premium as
they close most of the car parks so we had to find a spot on the
road into the town. We managed to slot in somewhere. Whilst we were
there most activities seemed to involve the preparation for the
evening's entertainment. After exploring a bit more we decided to head back to the van
but not before we had a drive through some of the nearby villages.
Our neighbours cycled into the town this evening but were back well
before the fireworks. Just as well really as Margaret had noticed a
strange noise coming from the rear of their van. When I investigated
their water pump was running continuously and had emptied their
Aquaroll. They had a second full one so I swapped the pump over but
it continued to run so in the end I disconnected it and left a note
on their door. Its always difficult to know what to do for the best.
Instinctively you want to take action but you are never sure whether
such action will be appreciated or approved of. Owning to some
issues where we live I had resolved that my days of being a good
Samaritan were over and in future I would walk on the other side of
the road, however I find that quite difficult and will have to risk
getting into trouble! Fortunately when our neighbours returned they
seemed quite grateful that I had intervened.
This is our last day at St Emilion. It has been a very pleasant
location and a nice site, with the exception of the WiFi. There have
been a lot of Brits here during our stay and those that we have
spoken to seem to be returning to the UK at around the same time as
us. Overnight it had been quite chilly and so perhaps time to start
shutting down hatches overnight. That changeover from summer to
autumn tends to creep up on you. Fortunately during the day we had
brilliant blue skies and again autumn was hiding under the guise of
summer. The campsite closes in a couple of days but is still almost
half full. No doubt, like us, many will be leaving tomorrow. It does
make you wonder whether campsites such as this are turning away
business by closing so early but I suppose they know their own

Monday 20th September and time to move onto our next site in the
Dordogne, Le Port de Limeuil. When we left, not long after 10.00am
it was only showing and outside temperature of 7 degrees! It was
only 69 miles but it was a slow journey as we had to go through many
towns and villages along the route. We got to the site just after
midday. Le Port de Limeuil is right on the Dordogne River where the
Vezere joins the river. There are only about 11 units on site
compared to St Emilion which must have been more than half full.
After setting up and some lunch we walked across the bridges to the
village of Limeuil. In contrast to the previous site the WiFi is
free and I can get a reasonable signal at the caravan.

It has been many years since we last visited Domme so today we set
off to rediscover the ancient Bastide town. We ended up right inside
the walled town but fortunately found a parking space. We walked to
the other side of the town where there is a terrace with a
magnificent view over the Dordogne Valley. We then wandered around
the narrow streets and alleyways before returning to the car. We
exited the town a different way from the one we arrived and it took
us a while to realise where we were! Eventually we made our way to
La Roque Gageac where the Dordogne runs around the edge of a giant
rock outcrop and some of the houses back right up to the rock. We sat
by the river eating our picnic but unlike the French couple a few
yards away we did not have our own picnic table or were we eating
with a knife and fork! After our modest picnic we walked along and
followed a path up behind the houses and nearer the rock face. It
allowed some nice higher views over the river but we had to retrace
our steps as the path was blocked because of the danger of rock
falls. The temperature today has been in the mid twenties although a
little muggy.

Wednesday we had a bit of a late start. Firstly we drove out to La
Bugue to see if it had a supermarket. It seems a nice town and
hopefully we can get back for a look around. We did find an
Intermarche. At first it looked as if it had closed down but then we
realised they had built a new one next door. On the way back we
drove into Limeuil in search of a Garden but failed to find it. We
returned to the van for lunch with the intention of walking back to
search for it but it was so hot that we stayed where we were. We did
manage a walk down by the river but that was it. A few units left
today and a few more arrived.

Given that the previous afternoon had been very hot we thought that
if we wanted to visit Les Jardins Panoramiques de Limeuil we best do
it in the morning when it was a bit cooler! As it turned out there
was more cloud around but still sunny as we walked across the two
bridges in order to reach Limeuil. We knew the Gardens were situated
high up in the village but had not quite appreciated how steep the
climb would be. We eventually made it! The entrance fee was €6 each
which I felt was a bit steep for what you got and clearly this was
not the best season to see the garden. There were however some
impressive views from the terraces. When we left the Garden we
continued to explore the higher reaches of the village, topped by
it’s church. Limeuil is an attractive place to explore although not
particularly suitable for anyone with a mobility issue. We did
discover that there was a back way into the higher reaches by car
which would help overcome that difficulty.

Overnight we had heavy rain and initially some thunder. As a result
the days weather was changeable to say the least. We needed some
shopping and fill up with fuel so we made our way to La Bugue. First
off we had a look around the town which lies on the banks of the
Vézère. it’s a fairly big town as far as the Dordogne is concerned
but small by most measurements.
Back at the site the number of units still here has now gone down to
3 including ourselves. There have been no new arrivals today so no
weekend rush that you might expect at home. I am sure over the next
week until the site closes for the season that the situation is
unlikely to change. There is a certain puzzlement in the UK that
French sites don’t open for longer but based on the reality it would
not be worthwhile for this site, and many others to do so. Unusually
unlike many campsites this one, with the exception of the takeaway,
keeps all its facilities open throughout the year.
Saturday did not dawn very promising weather wise with rain early on
but the sun did break through later on. It was the Singapore Grand
Prix qualifying today but it was not until the afternoon so we
decided to have a trip out to explore a little further along the
river. We drove out to Tremolat which is a nice village. We came
back via the main road and via the instructions to the site that
TomTom originally gave us and decided that we were right to use the
route we did. A few more units arrive today, all motorhomes.

Sunday dawned quite cold be at least the sun was out. The weather
conditions created mist on the river which hopefully has led to
some nice photographs. We even had the heating on! After breakfast
we walked into Limeuil as we had heard there was a ‘Petit Marché’.
When we arrived it seemed the same chap who was there a few days
before. He sold ‘Bio’ products or organic as we would say. After
walking around the lower part of the village we made our way back to
the van. Before watching the Grand Prix we decided to take the
canopy down in readiness for our move north tomorrow.
Monday 27th September and a very misty start to the day. We left the
site by 9.30am with the temperature at 4 degrees C. It was to be a
long journey, almost 300 miles! TomTom reckoned it was quicker to do
288 miles compared to 237 by another route which may be true. The
route we took started at Limeuil to the A89 near Perigueux, from
here to Brive before joining the A20 north to Vierzon and then west
on the A85. We arrived at Camping Le Moulin Fort at Chenonceaux at
just after 4.00pm, so a long day indeed. Perhaps more surprisingly
we joined a queue to book in and it was interesting to see that the
site was reasonably full. This was in complete contrast to the site
we had just left. We found a spot and set up and even had a TV
picture within seconds!

We did not rush in the morning as we were recovering from the long
journey of the day before. After breakfast I did try the site WiFi
but found it pretty useless as it seemed unable to maintain a
constant signal, often dropping the connecting. This is the second
site that we have stayed on this trip which has a system which is
not up to the mark. Later we went for walk around the site and had a
look at the river. Just beyond the bridge near the campsite you can
just see a corner of famous Chateau at Chenonceaux. Weather has been
a bit changeable although we have had some nice sunny periods. In
the afternoon we went shopping and I have started to gather some
wine boxes for when we go home. We went to what was obviously a
fairly new E Le Clerc supermarket. When Margaret picked up the
trolley she commented it had a scanner holder. Once inside
we saw the bank of scanners. We have been using the Quick Check
system in Waitrose for several years but this is the first time we
have seen it in France. I did not see anyone using it which is a
pity, perhaps it was very new.

Wednesday dawned a bit brighter, although chilly. This was ideal as
we wanted to visit Chateau de Chenonceaux. For us we were away quite
early. We could have walked but that would have added to our
few hours at the Chateau. In the end we decided to take the car. Its
22 years since we were last here. Like many historic buildings
Chenonceaux has replaced previous structures. Although there is
still one remaining structure that survives from the previous
buildings and that is what is referred to as the Marques Tower
which is the tower just in front of the Chateau. The Chenonceaux as
we now know it dates from the mid 1500’s and was initially a bridge
with a house at one end and gradually over the ensuing years had
galleries built on top of the bridge forming the current structure.
Chenonceaux is noted for it’s famous female residents including
Diane de Poitiers who started the initial reconstruction and of
particular note was Catherine de Medici who came from the well known
Italian banking family and who continued the work of reconstruction
into the building we see today. More recently during the First World
War it was used as a Field Hospital for injured soldiers.

You are able to wander around the various apartments and the two
galleries plus of course the kitchens which seem to take up a lot of
space. The French enjoyment of food is obviously not a new thing!
There is also a wax works depicting various scenes. Although perhaps
it can’t be compared to Madam Tousards it does give a representation
of the costumes and interestingly samples of the type of materials
used in the making of those costumes. Part of the Estate is taken up
with a 16th century farm and flower and vegetable gardens, the
latter being well worth the diversion.
Back at the campsite we had a lazy afternoon and it was nice that it
was a bit warmer. I tried the internet again and this time it seemed
to be working OK so perhaps the time of day has some influence on
the performance. The site owners have been spending time trimming
back greenery in readiness for the close down. Talking to Sarah this
morning she reckons it takes a month to close down and tidy up
before they can start any out of season projects they may have. It
also seemed clear from what she was saying that they have a
predomitable English clientele.
Thursday and the last day of September. It started wet and grey but
by midday the sun was breaking through. We drove out to fill up with
fuel and came back along the other side of the river. I was not sure
whether the Cher was navigable but we did discover a lock and
details of a trip boat. This is that last day the campsite is open
so we will all have to be away in the morning. Perhaps using the
work ’all’ gives a slightly inflated impression of the number of
units still on site! However there are still about half a dozen of
us still here. It seems that some of them actually store their
caravans on site as we have seen owners disappear and vans towed
away by the campsite owner.
1st October and we are moving further north to near Rouen. I am not
sure we have ever left a site on the actual day it closes! Rather
than go into Tours and round on the various motorways we went on
main roads via Amboise, Chateau Renault and Beaumont la Ronce,
joining the A28 at junction 27. It might seem a long way round but
its shorter than going towards Tours and the ordinary roads we took
were good and pleasant driving with little traffic. As we were
navigating around Le Mans it started to rain and it stayed with us
for the rest of the journey. It was an expensive day in tolls,
around €45. Although we thought it a bit of a cheek to be charged
€1.90 to literally cross the A13, from the A28, to get onto the non
toll road. We tend to use the autoroutes if long journeys are
involve otherwise it can take much longer to get to your
destination. Not so much a problem in the summer months but its
getting darker earlier now and we would rather set up in daylight,
or should that be rain light! We experienced a problem with TomTom
that we had come across before. We were heading for a site at
Jumieges, Camping de la Foret. The campsite is on a loop in the
Seine and the quickest route is via a ferry which is fine for a car
but not with a car and caravan. We therefore decided to use the Pont
de Brotonne and get into the loop that way. Firstly I could not find
a way of removing the ferry from the route and when we drove past
the exit for the ferry TomTom would not/could not pickup the
alternative route of the Brotonne Bridge! We eventually got to the
campsite in the pouring rain. We were allocated a pitch, although I
was asked if I wanted a shady or sunny pitch, clearly we had a
comedian on Reception! Margaret was unhappy that the pitch was very
wet and muddy but then so were most of the others! We parked the van
across the best bit of grass so we did not have to step out onto mud
but there was nothing we could do about the wet under and over foot!
I was pretty wet by the time we had set up and I could not get the
satellite to work so I had a doubly unhappy Margaret! On the bright
side there is a good internet connection right across the site.

Saturday dawned just as wet. Chatted to a couple of fellow Brits who
were making there way back to the UK. After breakfast we went to the
supermarket at Le Trait for fuel and a bit of shopping, I have been
buying the odd few boxes of wine as we go along in the last week or
so. TomTom was left in the naughty cupboard in the van, surely we
would not get lost in such a small area! Not far from the
supermarket we dropped down to the river to look at one of the
ferries that transport cars across the Seine to save a long detour.
On the way back, yes you’ve guessed it we missed our turning and
followed the next one to Jumieges Abbey. This was certainly a long
way round but it took us right along the shore of the River Seine
which on a better day would have been very pretty. Last year when we
were in the Dordogne we discovered that the site had lots of Walnut
trees, well this site seems to have many Chestnut trees and they are
just blowing off the trees. You do have to be a bit more careful
about picking them up if still in their cases as the are very

Sunday our last full day onsite so our last opportunity to get out
and about. Initially it dawned quite bright but the grey sky soon
returned. Fortunately the rain stayed away until the early
afternoon. After breakfast we walked into Jumieges to visit the
Jumieges Abbey. The Abbey is a ruin although the main features are
still standing. For good measure one part of the front facia was
encased in scaffolding! At least I had a bit more sympathy with this
as they have a major restoration project going on. The purpose, as
far as I am aware, is not to rebuild the Abbey but to restore some
features, this is all explained onsite. The Abbey was founded in 654
by Saint Philibert. When it was in its complete form it must have
been a magnificent structure. Unfortunately history is often so
unkind to such buildings and the final fall from grace I was
surprised to learn was the French Revolution! On leaving the Abbey
grounds we spied a sign pointing towards the Jumieges Ferry so we
walked down the long road. When we got there the ferry was turning
to disembark on the other side of the river and its interesting to
see the strength of the tidal flow. The ferries seem to run every 15 minutes
although I noticed on the information board that they run as
required at less busy times. They can take about 8 cars. Not so sure
I would take a caravan on one of these ferries as the angle to get
on the deck from the ramp is quite steep and you could imagine there
could be a problem with the caravan hitch. Perhaps at certain state
of tide it would not be a problem. Back at the site there is a daily
turnover of units. Whilst many, particularly motorhomes, are only
here overnight some of the caravans stay a few days. Certainly more
Brits than any other nationality.


Monday and we wake up to heavy rain. It did abate a bit by the time
we were packing up. I think TomTom does not like the Pont de
Brotonne! However much I changed things in the settings he would not
take us via the bridge, albeit we did not want to cross the bridge
just join the road by the bridge. In the end we put him in the glove
compartment until later in the journey. The trip across country to
the A28 was very pleasant with good roads and not much traffic. At
least across country saved a bit in tolls. En route we stopped at
the Baie de Somme Service Station. Many caravanners on internet
forums seem to rave about this place as an overnight stop.
Personally I don’t see the attraction. As nice a service station as
it might be you still have the noise of the motorway traffic and it
is still a service station! I appreciate that many of the users
arrive in France too late to book into a campsite, I know it’s a
personal thing but I would just make different plans.

In parts the weather did improve and after the damp start. We reinstated TomTom at the service station as we felt the
route would not be too taxing for him! On our approach to Montreuil
the road we needed to take was being dug up. We went a couple of
miles further on before finding a suitable place to turn around. When
we took the road for Montreuil, not possible from our original
direction of travel, we found new signs pointing the way. The final
approach is quite narrow. This site has hard standings which with
all the recent wet weather was a welcome sight. We set up right
opposite the reception which is only open at certain times of day.
Even the satellite was set up in seconds!

We were talking to another couple who had stayed several times at
the campsite and they mentioned that you could access the walled
town of Montreuil by climbing to the top of the site. It was some
climb and the site is very terraced up the side of the hill. Trouble
was they were doing some work around the base of the walls so access
was restricted but we eventually found a way into the walled town.
It’s a very interesting place with cobbled streets and is well worth
the trouble to visit. Although we did not do it you can apparently
walk around the walls. It just happened that where we entered the
town there was the Tourist Office so we bagged a ’Plan de Ville’
which was just as well as we could still be looking for the campsite
Tuesday and this is our last full day in France. Unfortunately the
weather continues not to be very good although still not cold. We
drove out to the supermarket to pick up some wine and other bits to
take home. On the way back to the van we passed a motorhome and
caravan going the other way and we wondered if they had been caught
out with the road works. Once we were back at the van the rain set
in for the rest of the day.
6th October and its time to go
home. The idea of going home a week early had not worked in our
favour weather wise, the final week was still wet. Overall the
weather had not been as good as the previous year but not really
bad. It was still raining as we left the campsite and it could have
been as far as we got because no sooner had we left when somebody
decided that they would exit a side road. Fortunately we both
realised in time and no harm done. We avoid tolls by joining the
autoroute just the other side of Boulogne and got to the Tunnel in
time to get an earlier crossing. Once north of the Thames the sun
came out! We stopped at South Mimms and in my eagerness to get to
the caravan parking area I went over a high V shaped kerb. After we
got home I discovered that the tyre had a slight split in the tread,
perhaps luck was on my side.

Above is a map representation of
where we went on this trip but not an exact route. In total it was 1938 miles door to door.
We used 9 campsites staying a total of 42 days. Apart from the
Municipal at Sées and our final stop all other sites we used either
Camping Cheques or
the ACSI Card
both of which are low season discount schemes which offer good
savings over the normal campsite fees. The only campsite that
was bordering on full was the first one we stayed at, Camping Val
d'Authie. It is one of the beauties of going at this time of
year that you can maintain flexibility as sites always have space
and certainly no need to book.
I mentioned earlier that a former
colleague had died whilst we were away. As a tribute I would like to
dedicate this Blog to Sue who was always an avid reader of our
travels. We both had known Sue for many years and later I worked
quite closely with her. God Bless.